February 10, 2022
Torcon Joins the United Nations Global Compact
Torcon has committed to a more sustainable future by joining the United Nations Global Compact. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. It is part of an international effort across the 193 countries in the UN to hold companies accountable for responsible business practices. Their aim is to support companies to do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with the Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, as well as to advance broader societal goals.
Torcon is one of 834 nationwide companies, and one of only 3 construction management companies in the United States to have joined the UN Global Compact.
Torcon is very proud of our team members’ remarkable efforts. Not only do we build projects that benefit the communities around us, but we’re also committed to supporting each other every day as professionals and human beings. As we continue to grow, our organization has a greater opportunity to practice our core values of family and community, integrity, trust, and empowerment. Through our partnership with the UN, we can better acknowledge the impact Torcon employees have made and continue our efforts to make the world a better place now and for generations to come.